1. Do you have a partner?
  2. All information will be treated confidentially and will not be shared with anyone. This analysis will not impact your credit report.
  1. Do you {PARTNER}receive income solely from Centrelink?
  1. Have you {PARTNER}been on Centrelink for less than 6 months?

Property 1

  1. $
  1. $

Property 2

  1. $
  1. $
  1. We can only help you if you disclose all your debts.
Credit Cards and Store Cards
  1. Total Owing $
  1. Total Owing $
Personal Loans and Pay-Day Loans
  1. Total Owing $
Collection Agencies/Debt Collectors
  1. Total Owing $
Overdue Council/Strata/Water Rates
  1. Total Owing $
All other debts and outstanding bills including fines and taxes
  1. Total Owing $
  1. Total: $
  1. $
  2. Per
  1. $
  2. Per
  1. $
  2. Per
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